Mon – Fri: 8 AM – 7 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 1 PM
Sun: Closed


Vaccinations for Cats & Dogs

Vaccination Policy

At Mountain View, we prioritize conducting an examination for every patient before administering vaccinations. Your pet’s well-being is our utmost concern. Since vaccines stimulate the immune system, we avoid giving them to unwell pets to prevent exacerbating their condition. The examination may reveal any underlying issues that require immediate attention over vaccinations.

Early detection of diseases or conditions increases the likelihood of successful treatment with lower costs and better chances of recovery. It is advisable to conduct regular pet check-ups as they age faster than humans. Infrequent visits would be akin to humans seeing a doctor every seven years, which is not ideal for maintaining optimal health.

Pets’ physical examinations may seem brief but are crucial. The vet will listen to their heart and lungs, examine their mouth, and inquire about their home life to assess their overall health.

Typically, if the physical exam results are normal, vaccinations can proceed. However, if your pet is unwell, the vet might postpone vaccinations until addressing the ailment.

The examination fee is covered within the price of a single vaccine. Opting for two or more vaccines together results in a bundled offer that saves clients the expense of having them administered individually.

Feline Vaccinations

Not all cats are excited to visit the vet, but here at MVVH we pride ourselves on our courtesy towards, and special care of cats. All employees are trained in the gentle handling and less-is-more approach to restraint. It is very important to keep your cat sufficiently vaccinated but not over and above your feline’s specific needs, so a brief questionnaire supplies the veterinarian with info to adequately tailor to your special friends’ vaccine needs. Each vaccine visit is accompanied by a full examination by the veterinarian to ensure the health and wellness of your cat.

FVRCP — Feline Distemper

This single vaccine will protect your cat from an array of illnesses that can be contracted from several different sources in your pet’s own environment.
  • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis—aka “feline pneumonia” or “feline influenza”, this virus affects the upper respiratory area and is very contagious
  • Calicivirus—this virus also results in an upper respiratory infection; it can cause sores and legions in the mouth and has a high mortality rate
  • Panleukopenia—aka “cat plague”, this virus attacks the gastrointestinal tract and lowers the cat’s white blood cell count which allows for infections and other detrimental sicknesses

FeLV — Feline Leukemia Virus

This vaccine protects against a virus that is actually very closely related to the Human Aids Virus and can cause a marked decrease in white blood cells leading to secondary infections in cats. This virus is typically fatal.


This vaccine protects against this virus affecting the brain and nervous system of cats. Rabies can have a very quick progression of signs and can be dangerous to other animals and even people. Rabies always results in the death of the affected cat and can be extremely painful in the process.

Vaccinations for Dogs

Whether your dog is excited to see the vet or a little nervous about their checkup, at MVVH, we pride ourselves on our courtesy towards, and special care of dogs. All employees are trained in the gentle handling and less-is-more approach to restraint. Each dog’s needs are assessed with a brief questionnaire to tailor the vaccine series to your dog’s specific needs and activities. Each vaccine visit is accompanied by a full examination by the veterinarian to ensure the health and wellness of your dog.

DHPP or DA2PP — Distemper Cocktail

This combined vaccine will protect your dog from an array of illnesses that can be contracted from several different sources in your pet’s own environment.
  • Distemper—this virus affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal and central nervous system of dogs, causing many different symptoms including seizures and muscle twitching that even with treatment still commonly recur
  • Adenovirus Type 2 ( Hepatitis)—this virus causes inflammation of the liver, can also cause eye issues, is transmitted from dog to dog and can be fatal
  • Parvovirus—this virus, closely related to feline panleukopenia, is spread by contaminated feces and is very contagious, causing loss of the dog’s stomach lining and possibly death
  • Parainfluenza—this is a highly contagious respiratory virus that is spread through the air from dog to dog and can result in pneumonia

Lepto — Lepto Spirosis

This bacterial disease is spread by wild animals, and even domesticated food animals, through contaminated water, soil or other substances, and affects the liver and kidneys, sometimes resulting in death.


This vaccine is sometimes called the “kennel cough” vaccine because of the symptoms of the bacterial infection and how it spreads from dog to dog when many dogs are housed together. Pneumonia can occur if this disease is contracted. This disease and accompanying symptoms can be treated but is very detrimental to the dog’s health and incurs immense charges for treatment.


This vaccine protects against this virus affecting the brain and nervous system of dogs. Rabies can have a very quick progression of signs and can be dangerous to other animals and even people. Rabies always results in the death of the affected dog and can be extremely painful in the process.



Mon – Fri: 8 AM – 7 PM
Sat: 8 AM - 1 PM
Sun: Closed